It had been three years of drought and a famine covered the land. The people had lost their crops and now their animals were dying with no grass to eat.
In their desperation the people didn't know where to turn. And that's when they Baal'ed on God.
When relief did not come as they thought it should, when the heavens appeared empty - and everything they saw around them was dying - the people stopped asking God to help them and began praying to the god of Baal.
Like rubbing a lucky penny or rabbit's foot, the people clung to their superstitions instead of their faith in the loving character of God. Don't we do that too? In times of hardship we devour the articles in the New York Times or Money Magazine. We diversify our portfolio to cover our assets - so to speak. We research a better interest rate and we buy gold boullion rather than high yield bonds. We cross ourselves and kiss our past trophies as a benediction on today's performance. We shout our intentions to the Universe and recite our affirmations in the mirror.
But do we spend time on our knees asking God to bring rain? How funny we are.
When the harvest doesn't come in the season we believe it should and day after day we're still walking the desert eating that boring manna - we Baal. Other things, other people, other advisors become our leaders and voices of reason - and we Baal on God.
Elijah stood in front of the people and ask the same question I'm asking you today -
"How long will you waiver between two opinions?" If the Lord is your God - then follow Him.
1 Kings 18:21
The Baal's of this world will always be the enticing fortune cookie. Open it up and get some good advice when things suck. Well friend, that's one way to do life. I'm telling you though, that human advice and that rabbit's foot hold little power next to a big God who loves you. He has a future for you. You individually and you collectively.
Wait. Wait for the real answers. Seek to know God's will in your business, in your finances, in your leadership - wait even when the rain doesn't seem to come fast enough. Read how God proved himself larger than life in 1 Kings 30-38. See how impotent Baal really was - then and now. Can't hold a flame next to God - pun intended.
God hears you. And He will never Baal on you. He's bigger than that. Wait on Him and He will show up in a big way. If the Lord is your God - follow Him.