Thursday, August 7, 2008


Many of my family and friends live in sunny California. As my children were growing up we would try and head out to the sandy beaches at least once a year.

I hadn't realized how much my children picked up on the monetary cost of those trips until one day my son asked me when we were going next to "Can't-A-Fornia".

He'd heard us cancel trips or speak with financial overwhelm about the trips enough that he had actually incorporated that into the name. How sad.

I want to be the type of mom who injects feelings of possibility into my goals and dreams - individually and collectively. I want my children to hear in the undercurrents of my speaking with them, that dreams are seed money, that ideas are endless, and that the manifestation of every possibility in their lives is only as far away as their fingertips. They only need to open their hands to touch it.

From now on I'm even spelling "caneloupe" mellon without the "t".

I'm taking the can't out of everything I say. There's a better message I want in my life and I want my kids to hear it loud and clear. CAN. CAN. CAN. Are there words you need to change in your world?