Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Beautifully Precarious - God's Perfect Balance

Hiking has become my new addiction. Having a day out with my girlfriends on a 4 hour hike up the mountain, I came across a purposely placed stack of rocks. They immediately captured my attention as I realized the methodical diligence of the person who placed them.

The stones were beautifully precarious and inspired great strength and peace. How could something so simple swell within me a feeling of power and clarity? It was a message to my soul.

In the movement of life, the busyness, the noise, there are moments of clarity that speak to us of God's timing, His big picture, His wisdom in placing and orchestrating the little and big stones in our lives as to create the pillar He wishes in our character. Often the world views it as ridiculous, small minded and foolish - and yet, to witness God's hand in your life on a personal level so deep and so rich - it is a peace that cannot be explained.

Look around you today and witness the stones that God is placing for your strength - a purposeful message that He is building something peaceful and something good in YOU. And understand that in His timing YOU are beautifully desperate for HIM - beautifully purposed, and beautifully precarious.