Its hard to be on the outside of a lesson. Hard to watch the Master training the child - even though the lesson must be taught. Hard to know what to do as the learning, the pain, the growing is taking place.
What do you do when you cannot interfere with the lesson life must teach?
In the Bible is a story of a father who brings his son to Jesus. "Master, my son is ill. He is possessed. He throws himself into the fire continually as if he is crazy. Heal him."
After all the father could do he brought his son to Jesus. And the boy was healed.
All we can do when those around us struggle with their own internal demons, their lessons, their fires, their illnesses, is bring them to Jesus. Sometimes we can pray with them. Sometimes we can only pray beside them. Bringing those pleas and those concerns to the feet of the Master who knows each one of us individually . . . that is the place of true healing.
It is in that quiet place, that place of faith where miracles absolutely can happen, that we thank God for the lessons that are so skillfully taught through challenges. And we trust that while someone we love is suffering, emotionally, physically, spiritually, relationally . . . we trust that the Master is teaching. And we trust that He knows best how to teach and how to heal.
"My child throws himself into the fire continually. Heal him."
It's hard to be on the outside of the lesson. But it gets easier when we trust He who is teaching.