There are seasons in our lives when it seems our BIGGEST personal demons surface and shout in our faces - it's as if the skeletons in that dark corner closet come out and demand to be addressed. They taunt us, tempt us, insult us and scare us . . . reminding us in the most venomous ways that we've failed before. They want us to fail again and speak so convicingly that we will always be bound by them.
These could be money failures, relationship failures, sins, self-destructive habits, secret passions, anger issues, or trust issues. At certain seasons even a combination of these smack us with a 1-2 punch and we feel down for the count. Even though we want success, when these issues come to the surface so big, so loud, so obvious . . . we can't help but doubt our own strength against them.
My friend Kirk Weisler, a motivational speaker and phenomenal story-teller, told me a principle that has made all the difference. He told me about a truth that occurs in nature that baffles - until you understand the reality behind it.
"Rocks float." That's what Kirk told me. "Yeh, they do! It's the craziest thing! You wouldn't think so, but they do. You see, when smaller pieces of dirt, sand, small pebbles shift with the movements of the earth, they settle in and the larger size rocks move up. The boulders are not really floating, but they are moved out by the settling . . . the layers settle and the rocks at the top become visible."
That understanding has helped me greatly when I feel barraged by "issues" that surface in my life. As I sit in my bible/prayer time with God, I realize large boulder size issues come to the surface when I am making progress, when there is movement and transition - good transition and growth in my life. WHEN I am at a pivitol point in my life or my career and WHEN I am about to see UNPRECEDENTED success emotionally and spiritually, that settling brings the rocks, the boulders, the big demons, the unfinished business, the personal dragons, straight to the top.
I get to choose what I will then do with them.
In the past I have often chosen to burry those big boulders again - deep down so I don't have to do the emotional work and drag them off my property. But I've found if I don't deal with the boulders they just find another time to pop up in my face.
I'm learning I must push and hoist and heave and sweat and get rid of the big rocks.
I want my life to grow more than just boulders. I want to sleep at night with no demons, no secrets, no addictions, no cracks in my integrity, no fear.
So let the rocks float.
And God give me the courage to see them for what they are.
Proof that I am settling. Proof that I am growing. Proof that they give me the opportunity to be more than I ever was before.
If I rely on THE Rock...the one true keeper of the vineyard...the one who wants to grow abundance in my life...and the one who knows my burdens better than anyone. The only one who can help me move those heavy boulders forever.
Who's helping you with your big rocks?