I worked with a coaching client this week and during the course of our session I was reminded of the power in our self-talk. What we say to ourselves about our value and our worthiness has more impact then the facts of our lifetime accomplishments.
Constant "Yeh, but's" blindside us and flash almost in neon - a loud denial of the value of our existence - AND a huge roadblock to ever feeling fulfilled. If there was a flashing neon sign blocking your life today - what would it say? "Failure" "Fake" even "Loser"?
What if you, in your mind's eye, could give that neon sign over to God - allowing God to heal that roadblock so you could move on? How fast could you move on down the road to success if you just give that over to the one who oversees the galaxy?
If you're on a detour or waiting for the road construction to ease up - perhaps you have more control than you think - if you're just willing to give those neon "Yeh, but" roadblocks over to God.