Our family has had a pretty tough year. A terrible auto accident and then my husband diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Wow. A lot to digest for a family with five children. So many changes taking place in everything familiar. At times it has been so heavy.
Then there are moments like today. The weather was just perfect - the colors on the hills are changing with fall. No breeze, but just the right temperature to be outside. We headed to the park and played a little tennis (really the drill was one or two lobs and then running to retrieve the ball hit over the fence), and run around on the tanned bark and swings.
Somehow it was magical. Just a moment where it was only joy. Nothing else.
Thank God for moments like that when the pressures fade, the fear is breathable, and the blessings bubble up to the surface. Moments like that make the tough ones do-able.
When was your last moment like that?