Tuesday, September 15, 2009

In The Quiet

Candles burning, kids sleeping, I walk through my clean and quiet small home and am thankful. Thankful for the bustle and busyness that keeps me going through the day, but also thankful for the calm that comes when the dust settles.

The path of my life has been rocky at times. There have been moments of great tragedy and great victory. There have been moments of incremental growth as well as moments of instant awareness and surrender. In all of these moments I realize I have not been alone - ever.

Friends change, congregations change, interests change and even love changes - but never have I felt that God has left me alone. In fact, it has been just the opposite. In my moments of greatest rebellion I have felt God pursuing me - chasing after my heart.

When the dust settles over my life - the greatest love I have ever had - has been God. And in my alone times, my quiet times, I realize that's everything I need to be me - to achieve my purpose here, to meet my goals, to dream my dreams. When everything changes - God stays the same. And when everything changes - God stays.